There is a church in Kansas that makes it a point to protest the funerals of our fallen soldiers using the argument that God Hates Fags and since the US does not stand up against homosexuals, our soldiers will continue to die as a result of God’s wrath. Out of this, a terrific organization was founded. It is called the Patriot Guard and you can find more on them at But that is not what this is about.
Last I checked, the Bible says we are all sinners and none of us will live a perfect life on earth. That was done once by Jesus who is God in the flesh. My dad has a Master’s in Mathematics. That means I am really good at putting mathematical theory together to explain things or I hate math all together. Actually, it is the former and here is the equation I would like for us to understand today.
If A = B and B = C, then A = C. This formula shows us how to apply the substitution of equal properties.
So let’s examine it. Let’s say that the homosexuals are represented by the letter A. Since homosexuality is a sin according to the Bible, then B must represent sin. Let’s also say that all men are represented by the letter C in the equation. Then we must say that the second part of the equation is also true since all men are sinners and will stay that way while they are on this earth. Can you tell where this is going? God hates all sin. Not one more than another. The Word says that our most righteous minutes as humans are like filthy rags to God. See Isaiah 64:6. So now let’s take this back to our equation.
A = Homosexuals
B = Sin
C = All humans, SO:
Homosexuality is a sin. So are all humans. God hates all sin and sees all sins the same. Seems simple enough.
So if you are one of those who “hates fags,” I got news for you. Using your logic, God hates you too. He sees you the same as he sees homosexuals. So if you are one of those people you should hate yourself as much as you hate homosexuals. I would argue that is exactly the case.
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Great though and a strech for the brain. I agree with your math but following God is about making a change in your heart and trying to facilite that change in your daily life. So if you make a commitment and continue your life right where you left off is that change? Better choices draw you to a closer walk with God. Poor choices cause a chasm between you and God. Luckily God can fill the chasm.
God's Speed
Very well said God's Speed. I agree completely. Being a mathematical person I always found ways to eliminate God from the equation. This post is for those who don't allow things into their heart unless they make logical sense.
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